
Five Helpful Tips to Grow Your Visits

Published on: August 29, 2020
Five Helpful Tips to Grow Your Visits image

1. Give your products the correct name based on keywords

Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking; this makes sense. Yet I notice that not all websites give their products the correct names. For this, you must first know how your customers search for your products online.

Maybe you sell shoes in your online store, but your customers are mainly looking for sneakers. Or you sell “chocolate bonbons,” but your customers would like to buy “chocolate gifts.” That’s why it’s so important to give your product photos the correct title. It seems trivial, but if your products don’t have the proper names, your website will be less likely to become visible when your potential customers are looking for your product. So quickly adjust your names so that you can get more visitors to your website.

2. Improve the loading time of your website

Most online retailers do not realize that the speed at which a web page loads is essential for a good result in Google. A page that loads slowly will detract from potential customers’ experience—time to pay attention to this. Via free tools such as Pingdom or Google Speed Insights, you can quickly analyze the speed and, at the same time, receive tips to make your website faster.

Don’t be alarmed by the technical terms you read. You can often quickly get a better result by lowering the resolution of your photos and another hosting package and automatically getting more visitors to your website.

3. Create a mobile site

Not all websites have a mobile version yet. A shame, because more and more customers are shopping via their smartphone or tablet. Google, therefore, gives sites with an excellent mobile website a significantly higher ranking. As a result, you get fewer visitors to your website. Make sure to take action quickly and discuss this with your web builder. He can help you.

4. Collect link

As long as the internet has been around, we’ve been trying to collect links to rank better in Google. Because websites that many other sites refer to score much better in Google. Google calls that authority. Therefore, make sure that other websites write about you or apply to your products. The knife cuts on both sides; Via the clicks on the links you receive more visitors to your site, and your site also scores better organically if people search for your products via Google.

5. Add new content regularly

Google finds it very important that a website offers fresh and new information to visitors. That is why sites that regularly add new articles score better in search results. Therefore, share as much information about your products as possible. For example, create a blog in which you describe new developments. Or publish lists of the best-selling products. Or take a different approach and explain why you are so passionate about your product. The more often your blog is read, the more people come into contact with your product, and the higher your website scores in Google.

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