Quick-Start Guide
Kickstart your lead selling business quickly.
Create New Fields
Fields are the core of the system, and contain the information that you are selling to your clients. Add and remove fields from the system by clicking on Settings->Fields. It’s important to remember that Fields can be placed in Forms and organized on the Settings->Forms page.
Create a New Campaign
For each new lead source you will want to add a campaign. You can do this at Settings->Campaigns->Add a Campaign. Then, when you receive leads, remember to have your source either pass a field with your data name ‘campaign_id’ or to send traffic to your website with the tracking string ‘?apcid=nnnn’, where ‘nnnn’ is the campaign id.
Add a New Billing Plan
Billing plans are a way for you to categorize your clients into groups. This allows you more flexibility when pricing, distributing, and billing for leads. You can set up your first billing plan at Clients->Manage Plans->Add New Plan
Now Add a Client
Now that you have created a Plan, you have somewhere to put your new client. Go to the Clients page and click Add a New Client. Now you will have someone that you can begin selling leads to.
Create a Web Form Price
Prices are easy, and necessary to sell your leads. Prices are assigned to leads with Automations, and that’s what the Client is charged when they are sold a lead. So first things first, add a new Web Form Price at Settings->Lead Prices
Create an Automation to Price and Sell the Leads
This is it! This is where you actually Price the lead, find the right Client, and sell the lead to them. It couldn’t be any easier! Just go to Automations->Add a New Automation and configure the Filters to pick which leads you want to touch, and Actions to set what you want to do with those leads.
That’s it!
That’s all it takes to get your system up, running, and selling leads. Now obviously there are many many more features built into the system, but if we know you like we think we do, it won’t be a problem for you to find your way around. If you do ever have any questions, just give us a call or send us an email. We are more than happy to help you get your business on autopilot. But before you do anything else, sign up for a free trial.