Lead and Call Selling Automation.
Manage your entire lead generation and lead selling business easily. Make money selling leads automatically and your business will run itself day and night.

Sell Leads and Calls Automatically
Advanced lead aggregation technology that automatically identifies and prices incoming leads in real-time. Whether you want to sell phone calls generated from your website, or web form leads, your lead aggregation system will take care of lead distribution and routing for you.
Just configure your system to price and sell leads, and your business will deliver them automatically. It never stops working, day or night, 24/7.

Manage Your Clients Easily
Integrated client management allows you to turn lead delivery on and off, keep detailed accounting of their purchases and finances, and also has complete integration with Stripe.
You choose how you want your clients to receive leads, how much they pay for them, and the way in which the system charges their card. You just set it up once and let your business run itself.

A Better Platform and a New Look
Mobile Refresh
Completely redesigned, the new software works perfectly on mobile, so you never have to miss an opportunity, even when you are on the go.
Rebuilt From the Inside Out
We built a feature-complete RESTful API as the platform on which the software runs. This means better performance, more features, greater uptime, and improved security. It also means a more developer-friendly environment for customization and integration.
Extensive Customer Research
Our software was built specifically to meet the needs of our clients who’s businesses depend on their ability to sell leads in real-time, and distribute them in a sophisticated way.